Friday, July 23, 2010

Im Back :]

Man Ive been gone for almost a month, My bad viewers. While Ive been gone, I reached 1,000 views. Thank you all, I appreciate it. :]
What has happened while Ive been gone? Thats a very good question.
o. QUIT MY JOB! Wheew, best thing Ive done all month. That place was making me depressed and shit. lol BUT I AM FREE. And yes, I have money saved to compensate for me not working. Ive been planning this for a while lol
o. Getting ready for my move to Colorado. Bought all new bedroom stuff and needed school stuff. :]
o. Bought a new phone :] (as many of you know, I buy phones too often) Right now Im using the white Mytouch Slide :] and I must say, I do like it!
o. Ive been spending a lot of time with my sister. I am really close with her, even with the huge age difference lol.

So thats what has changed for me. Now that Im going to have more time, I will try to post more often :]

And once again, thanks for all the views. :]