Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Man o Man LMAO;;

Lmao. So like many of you know, I work for Tmobile call center [no i cant get you a job or a new phone, GET THE HELL ON] and this is what happens when we are slow and dont have anything to do. This is the FUNNIEST little white boy you will ever meet. HE HAS JOKES FOR DAYS SON. :] He's inna band and will be touring the US this summer. CHECK HIS BAND OUT. Its kinda like " I hate life, fun, and people" music [not my thing] but EXPOSURE is key in the music business. SO PLS SUPPORT. Follow him on twitter @JohnLuzietti and check out his band on myspace P.s. Dont be a skeezer, he has a girlfriend btw. K thx

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