Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hello blogspot,
Ive been gone for way too long. Been so damn busy with school, work, dr appointments, and going out of town, but Im back. What have I been doing?
- finishing up my semester.. SMH this has been the roughest semester ever.
- Working.. STORY OF MY LIFE.
- Just got back from Texas for my "life changing" appointment lol. Had a lot of fun. Texas was cool.
- Getting stuff ready to move to Colorado... :]

And thats about it. Just keeping busy and soo damn ready for the summer. Idk about yall but school this year was no joke... I got distracted soo easy and that made it rough.. But I always pull through for my school work. *kanye shrug*

I wanna do some Haul posts because I spent A LOT of $ in Texas and got a lot of new things.. :]
I needa do some funny pic posts too.. SOOO MANY IDEAS SOO LITTLE TIME.

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