Sunday, February 21, 2010

Well Hello;

Whats up blogspot.
Been gone for a a few days. New shift at work and getting crazy with school work. Ive been getting mad twitter DMS and myspace messages [idk who still uses that mess. Juss check mine but hoes are serious about myspace. WTF] about what I go to school for. Well I go to the University of New Mexico and Im getting my bachelors degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education. And STFU, because I know what your gonna say. "You dont look like a teacher." or "You cuss way too much to be a teacher." WELL, Fuck you and Im not always like this. Most people know how to turn certain things off, & Im one of those. I love kids and Ive always wanted to pursue this.. regardless of income.So enough of that. I have some more questions that I was asked. Here they are:
1. Any siblings? Yes I have a little sister that's 10 and shes my heart. She was my twit background for a while.& Yess shes blk. GET OVER IT.
2. Where do you work? I work for the Tmobile Call Center and Imma tech care rep
3. Do you live with your parents? Naw. I moved out for good about a year ago. Me and my mom are too much alike and we dont get along too often. Were close to an extent.

There were soo much more. Some I wont answer and some are just dumb. lol. Send me DMs and I dont mind answering your questions.

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